Registering Your DBA Name: A Guide to California Fictitious Business Name Filings

Filing for a DBA or Fictitious Business Name registration in California is an important step for legally operating your business under a name other than your personal name. But compiling the paperwork and publishing announcements can be time-consuming. Using a service like EfileDBA streamlines the entire DBA filing process so your business stays compliant. Here’s how EfileDBA simplifies DBA registration:


Question about DBA


Choose Your Business Name

The first step is selecting your unique DBA name. EfileDBA’s naming tool allows you to check availability in your county database in real-time, ensuring you pick a distinguishable name not already registered. Our experts also review your name choice and can recommend adjustments if it doesn’t meet state requirements.


Let Us Handle the Paperwork

To file for a DBA in California, you need to complete a Business Name Statement form (Form FN-410). This form requires:

  • The fictitious business name you intend to use
  • Business owner’s full name and street address
  • Mailing address for the business (if different than owner’s address)
  • County where the principal place of business is located

With EfileDBA, you don’t have to worry about completing the Business Name Statement (Form FBN-410) yourself. We’ll fill out the form for you, ensuring all important information – including your business name, addresses, and county – are accurately entered. We know the exact requirements, saving you research time.


EfileDBA Also Publishes Announcements

After filing with the county clerk, you must publish a fictitious business name announcement in a local newspaper for 4 consecutive weeks. EfileDBA knows which papers meet the requirements and will handle publishing for you. You’ll receive affidavits of publication as legal proof of meeting this essential step.


Renewals Made Simple

In California, DBA registrations must be renewed every 5 years. EfileDBA tracks your renewal date and sends you reminders when it’s coming up. We’ll complete and submit renewal paperwork, plus publish announcements again, taking this hassle off your plate.


Additional Offerings for Compliance

Proper DBA registration is just one of many compliance steps as a business owner. EfileDBA also assists with other important filings like securing your Employer Identification Number (EIN), acquiring business licenses, and staying on top of state and local requirements. Our experts monitor changes so your business always meets its legal obligations.


Reliable Support Every Step of the Way

When you handle DBA registration yourself, any mistakes or questions can lead to serious delays getting your business running. With EfileDBA as your partner, our reliable customer support is available to answer questions and address any concerns throughout the registration process and beyond.


Compliance Protection You Can Trust

By relying on EfileDBA’s expertise to handle your DBA filing, announcements, and renewals, you safeguard your business against penalties and disruptions. Our accurate filings provide the compliance protection you need to focus on your business goals.


Streamline the Process with EfileDBA

For a fast and frustration-free DBA registration process in California, choose EfileDBA. Our experts make sure your fictitious business name paperwork, publishing, and renewals are handled promptly and accurately. Contact us today to get started registering your DBA name with confidence.

Say Goodbye to Bureaucratic Delays

EfileDBA ensures your DBA filings meet all local legal requirements.